Wouldn't it be nice to have some free time to relax, in the warm sun, watching
the flowers bloom, while listening to the birds sing
Reality says you don't have the time
You need to maintain that House!
If There only was a better way
Right about now it sure would be nice
to have my own personal Contractor
You know, one that comes out once a Month
to do all the Preventive Maintenance Chores
so my equipment lasts as long as it can
One that has the knowledge to do almost anything with my House
or knows an affiliate that does
Someone I can pay an extremely reasonable fee to do some of my tasks
Someone I can confide in and trust
A Contractor that has myself and my family's best interest at heart
Someone that can not only do the little things but when the time comes can do the
Major Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel
Maybe a new Roof or Room Addition
How about when I get older and my home needs to be modified for aging in place,
to keep me in my home for as long as I can and avoid a Nursing Facility
A Contractor that will be there for me when I need him
Someone I can call a Friend
I wish there was some type of a Club I could join
A Club that would schedule that Contractor for different tasks every Month
Tasks that would help keep my home's worth
Tasks and Tests that would keep my house at it's peak performance
Tasks that will keep my family safer
Maybe even curb my Utility Bills
Possibly keep my Family Healthier
A Club that would document all my improvements
A Club that would give my Home an "A Certification"
Possibly lowering my insurance rates and possibly a better
rate on my home equity loan
If and when the time comes - it will be easier to sell a well maintained Home
A Club Certified Home
I sure wish someone would come up with a Club like that
Hey Homeowners
It's Called
My Contractor seems so concerned with my Home and well being it gives me Goosebumps - Joining the Club was a great decision!
Jessica F.
In today's busy world the average Homeowner
seems to struggle with finding the Time
to do all of the Preventive
Maintenance and upkeep on their Homes.
I'm Totally impressed - last month my Contractor actually checked my microwave for radiation leaks - I didn't even know they could leak radiation
Jeff L.
A lot of times the average Homeowner doesn't even know what
should be maintained or kept up. Sure when the Roof is actually leaking
you know it's time for replacement which by that time there might be
boards to replace at a greater expense. Wouldn't it be nice to catch it earlier?
What about all the other issues that most Homeowners overlook and think all is ok. Does Grandma get sick every time she comes over? How about little Johnny? Is someone in the Home sick all the time? Is it them or is it something in the house? Air quality from VOC's, Lead paint in older homes, Mold, Radon? How about your security system - is it up to date for your area? Have you got enough Lighting to ward off intruders? How about your Utility bills - are they way to high? Are you getting older and in need of home modifications? How about an upcoming kitchen remodel?
This is where we come in.
We have been in the trades and have analyzed Homes for some time and have come up with a program that benefits both the Homeowner and the Contractor.
It's called
By joining our Club we offer both the Contractor and Homeowner a step by step
easy to follow Monthly System to bring the Homeowners Home to peak performance
All the while supporting the Homeowner and supplying the Contractor with the information and schedule to accomplish the Clubs Goals
Being a single Mom joining the Club was the best thing I could have done -
Nothing like having a personal Contractor around taking care of things!
Rebecca A.
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