ClubHouse - PMs
Preventive Maintenance - Property Management
In today's busy world the average Homeowner
seems to struggle with finding the Time
to do all of the Preventive
Maintenance and upkeep on their Homes.
What we're About
A Better Idea
Supporting the Homeowner & the Contractor
We bring together Homeowners with Local Pre -
Qualified Professional Remodeling Contractors.
These Contractors Following the ClubHouse-PM's
Program come out to the Homeowners House
once a month to perform a series of Scheduled
tasks - these tasks include Maintenance, System,
Safety and security Checks to name a few
Why We set the Program Up
Currently the way things are done - when you have
a problem you contact a pro to fix it - the average
person doesn't even know who to call - when they
do the questions still remains -- does this guy
know what he's doing?- is he over charging me?
Can I trust him?
Wouldn't it be nice to have a Trusting relationship
with a Pro that you see on a regular basis - one
that has a group of Tradesmen that he is
responsible for - someone you can confide in
Taking care of your Home
Our Program
Our Program is geared around the Homeowners
Home and Family. The Basic ingredients
include Preventive Maintenance - Family
Health - Security - Safety and Energy Efficiency
Combining the program with a Pro that is
interested in a long lasting relationship with the
Homeowner and his home. All the while
growing his business
A definite win - win for both
Try Our Free Option
We are here for the Homeowner, their Family
and their Home - with that said we offer a Free
Option -- we want everyone on board.
Although we feel it's to the Homeowners
advantage to team up with a Pro a lot of
Homeowners are very capable of doing some
monthly items in the program themselves
No Pro comes with the Free Option
Also the Homeowner might have to purchase
some testing equipment and will have to keep
their own records but the Club will send out
the monthly maintenance schedule directly
to the Homeowner -- They can always upgrade!
My Contractor seems so concerned with my Home and well being it gives me Goosebumps - Joining the Club was a great decision!
Jessica F.
A lot of times the average Homeowner doesn't even know what should be maintained or kept up. Sure when the Roof is actually leaking you know it's time for replacement which by that time there
might be boards to replace at a greater expense. Wouldn't it be nice to catch it earlier?
What about all the other issues that
most Homeowners overlook and
think all is ok. Does Grandma get
sick every time she comes over?
How about little Johnny? Is
someone in the Home sick all the
time? Is it them or is it something
in the house? Air quality from
VOC's, Lead paint in older homes,
Mold, Radon? How about your
security system - is it up to date
for your area? Have you got
enough Lighting to ward off
intruders? How about your Utility
bills - are they way to high?
Are you getting older and in need
of home modifications? How about
an upcoming kitchen remodel?
This is where we come in.
We have been in the trades and
have analyzed Homes for some time
and have come up with a program
that benefits both the Homeowner
and the Contractor.
It's called
By joining our Club we offer both the Contractor and Homeowner a step by
step easy to follow Monthly System
to bring the Homeowners Home to peak performance All the while supporting the Homeowner and supplying the Contractor with the information and schedule to accomplish the Clubs Goals
I'm Totally impressed - last month my Contractor actually checked my microwave for radiation leaks - I didn't even know they could leak radiation
Jeff L.
ClubHouse-PM's wants every Homeowners Home to be "The Best it can Be"
There is no "Better Plan" or "Upgrade"
The difference in Price only reflects the size of your Home
Homes Under
1200 Sq. Ft.
per month
Homes Between
1200 > 3000 Sq. Ft.
per month
Homes Between
3000 > 4500 Sq. Ft.
per month
Homes Above
4500 Sq. Ft.
Being a single Mom joining the Club was the best thing I could have done -
Nothing like having a personal Contractor around taking care of things!
Rebecca A.
Any Questions
Interested in Joining
Contact Us
We've lived in our Home for four years and never realized the Health risks of Radon
I'm so glad our Contractor checked - My kids are safe now
Thanks ClubHouse-PM's
Jessie L.
Started Nationally in January 2018
Please try our Desktop or Tablet version for more information or Email us at the above Email
After a Year with ClubHouse-PM's I felt confident enough to let my Contractor Remodel my Kitchen - he took his time walking us through all the options -
What a great job!
Gayle S.
Join the Club
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All Rights Reserved